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Government Of Assam Home & Political Directorate of Forensic Science

Students Project Work

Name of students and educational institutes who have completed project works recently

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Name of the StudentInstitutionDate
Miss Panchali Barman,
M.Sc. in Forensic Science & Criminology
Institute of Forensic Science & Criminology,
Punjab University, Chandigarh 
1 st June to 30 th June, 2017
Miss Pradipika Kar,
B.Sc. in Forensic Science
Amity Institute of Forensic Science,
Noida, Uttar Pradesh 
1 st June to 30 th June, 2017
Shri Partha Jyoti Saikia,
M.Sc, Biotechnology
 Department of Biotechnology,
St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli
16 th May to 16 th June, 2017.
Shri Rahul Saikia,
M.SC in Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology,
St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli
16 th May to 16 th June, 2017.
Miss Saiasta Afreen,
B.Sc. in Forensic Science
 Amity Institute of Forensic Science,
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
15 th June to 30 th June, 2017
Miss Medha Sarkar, BSC.Anthropology Department,
Arya Vidyapeeth College, Guwahati
1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Shri Hiren Sarma,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Shri Pranab Kr. Basumatary,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Miss Geeta Chetry,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Shri Lokesh Das,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Shri Dulen Barpatra Gohain,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Shri Deepjyoti Sarma,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC,
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Shri Champak Basumatary,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Shri Dhiraj Sarma,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Shri Bishal Krishnottar,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Shri Hiren Das,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.
Miss Beauti Begam,
M.Sc in Instrumentation & USIC
 Gauhati University1 st July, to 31 st July, 2017.