There are large numbers of students who undertake project works at the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati and few project works have already been completed. The students include Assam & entire north eastern states. In some cases, students from other states such as Tamil Nadu, Punjab, UP, Delhi, Rajasthan have also completed projects works at the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati.
He/she should be a student approved by the University to undertake the seminar/project work.
A letter has to be addressed to the Director of this Directorate by the Head of the Department or Head of the Institution. The letter should contain name of the participants and the subject they would like to undertake the project.
The duration of the project work will be determined by the officer responsible for coordinating the project work and the time of project will be determined by that officer only.
The university should forward a letter to enroll a particular student for the seminar/project work
Offline: Yes
Director, Directorate of Forensic Science.